
State Fair

we had a great time at the fair. Last year we had a wonderful person secretly give us free tickets for all of us and so many ride tickets we could not use them all. This year we were able to buy our ride tickets ahead of time and two kid tickets so it would be cheaper. we had planned on going on FOOD LION day. You have to bring 4 cans of food per person and get in. we did go on Food Lion day but a few days before we went some one put two adult tickets on Irwin's chair. It wasn't as much as last year but that is all we needed this year. I am so thankful for those wonderful people out there that see the needs of others and ,without a thought, give and expect nothing in return. Not even a Thank You. On to our fair pics.

Tellis loves Vroom vrooms. I had to take him on every one he seen.

              He was very relaxed :)

another Vroom Vroom!

Chris and Bailey also took their turn on the kiddie rides. tellis could not ride alone and avery wouldn't ride this one.(Thanks brothers)

Tellis has come to love the choo choo trains so he went into hysterics when he saw this one.

After we used all our ride tickets we went for the food.( I can't post those pictures because it keeps turning them sideways? who knows :p) Irwin and I had the turkey leg, Chris went for the Philly cheese steak, and tellis, bailey and avery had pizza. yum yum. Bailey was so excited and made us look all over for the deep fried snickers. I will give that a 1 time yum. not the best but had to try it.

I almost forgot the best thing of all for the fair. Irwin was working at the fair the morning after we went, when he got there he saw all the cans that people had left in the grass. I guess they got there the night before, a little late for the can donation, so they didn't want to carry them around. What does my husband do? You know it he gathered up all the bags of canned food and brought them home :) That is Irwin for ya!!

My kids had fun making towers out of all the cans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all had fun!

And as far as the cans... that totally sounds like something my Dad would do... and maybe me, too! :)