
What Kids Think!!

Chris does his homework on the computer and leaves all his trash laying on the desk. I found an assignment he left and thought it was so funny because he had to write things about his self. It went like this:

Sarcastic, Funny, Talkative and Trustworthy.
Brother of Elijah( his best friend)
Lover of sleeping, GIRLS and Money
who feels relaxed and confident
Who needs time alone, time to goof
off and time to be serious
Who gives friendship, advice and 
Who fears the DARK(my fault), being homeless
and weird people
Who would like to see Hawii, the X
games, Bernie Mac
resident of xxxxxxx,xxxxxx

I love to hear what my kids think of themselves.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

It is awesome to get a glimpse of what they are really thinking every now in then isn't!? Wow-isn't it weird to have a child old enough to really like girls??? Where does the time go? Hope you all are doing well. Aaron was just mentioning Irwin the other day. We miss you guys!!!